Monday, February 27, 2012

Take Two: Parachute

When I go to a concert, I hope the band knows how to demand my attention. That is something that this up-and-coming band 'Paracute' does with very little effort. The lead singer, Will Anderson, is very interactive with the crowd. He frequently jumps in the crowd with the fans to have us sing back the names of his fellow bandmates to introduce their instrument solos.

I have seen these guys a few times in concert, and honestly, they get better each and every time I see them. If I am being completely honest, I think they sound better live than they do on CD. Just by watching them perform you can tell that their passion for music is undeniable. Will is constantly changing up what instrument he plays and you can tell he really feels his music from his facial expressions.

This picture was taken by my friend, Holly, from left to right you have Kit, Johnny, Will, Alex, and Nate. They all took a break from their instruments to harmonize together. Let me tell you, this was one of the best moments of the concerts. Their voices blend together perfectly, you can tell that they have been working together since they were fifteen years old.

Not only are these boys very easy on the eyes, but they demand you notice how creative and talented they are. I know I left wanting to learn how to play an instrument because they made it look so easy.

I know I will definitely attend more concerts in the future, and I can see their popularity skyrocketing in the very near future. Their catchy songs and talent will take them very far in the music industry. I would recommend seeing them in concert if you get the chance because these boys know how to put on a good show and keep you wanting more.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

First Concert of the Year: Kelly Clarkson

My New Years resolution for 2012 is to attend as many concerts as I possibly can. I love being surrounded by people who have the same love of that band as I do. I love "people watching" at these types of events. Most of all, I love experiencing the different concert environments.

The first concert of the year was Kelly Clarkson on January 31st in Durham, North Carolina at the Durham Performing Arts Center.

Kelly Clarkson is a force to be reckoned with. When she says "Jump!" during her hit song "Since You Been Gone", you jump. It doesn't matter if you like the song or not, you are so caught up in her energy that you find yourself getting the best workout of the week! Her high energy and love of crowd involvement creates an incredibly fun environment for everyone attending.

Her voice is so unbelievably strong. As soon as you think she can't get any better, she blows you away with a power ballad.When Kelly sings, the audience is right there with her feeling that emotion. She feels the music so much that you can hear the emotion in her voice and it is enough to bring a grown man to tears.

At the concert in Durham, Kelly covered "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles, by the end of the song she was in tears and the rest of us were in awe. Watch it and I promise you will understand.

I would recommend that everyone attends a Kelly Clarkson concert at least once in their life. There is no limit to her vocal capabilities and she always leaves you wanting more.